>>13736235I have ADHD so I can’t speak to any of the sommelier “subtle effect” snake oil supplements.
Amphetamines: work but will fuck up your sleep and teeth, and you will feel depressed at night and any day you don’t take it.
Racetams: best is phenylpiracetam. At a high enough dosage with l-tyrosine and caffeine can approach a low dose of amphetamines without the crash, but you have to re-dose every 3-4 hours. Expensive compared to (near-free with insurance) amphetamines. Eat lots of eggs or a choline supplement with them.
Nicotine: without fail any time I start taking it it fucks up the circulations in my feet (Raynaud’s phenomenon). IMO it is even worse for your heart than amphetamines.
L-tyrosine: can compensate for a sleep deficit.
Caffeine with high-dose b vitamins AKA any given energy drink or preworkout: marginally better than coffee. Tolerance develops so quickly it’s worthless.
Vyvanse/concerta/all non-AMPH ADHD drugs: worthless trash that will either do nothing (vyvanse) or make you crazy (I have not taken CONCERTA but lost a friend to it, is now a Scanner Darkly schizo husk). If you try to get amphetamines and the doctor doesn’t believe in ADHD, doesn’t think you have it, or just plain doesn’t like you they will give you one of these as a placebo or to try to kill you off. Go to another one until you get amphetamines.
Meth: haven’t tried it but everyone I knew that did is dead.
Coke: haven’t tried is but everyone I knew that did is dead.
Psilocybin mushrooms: hit and miss. One time it seemed to make me higher-functioning for a few months after, but I haven’t been able to re-create it. Micro dosing is snake oil and does nothing.