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In all seriousness, anon: 90% of the reason people struggle with Calc 2 is because, unlike many other classes, it *actually* builds on and requires all your prior material. So shitters roll in with high school level algebra skills, get a D in Calc I, and then wonder why they're failing Calc II; the reason is Calc II requires a B level or so understanding of Calc I and A level Precalc material, and they never reviewed.
So: drill precalc stuff. Be good at algebra; it should be fluid, easy, and you should start to have intuition about solving equations, factoring, etc etc. Understand basic trig (memorize the unit circle, the very basic identities). Remember Calc I derivatives (plus Physics I contextualization a of derivatives; some schools separate the analytic definitions and the physical intuitions behind the derivative, which I think is just the absolute most sheer dumbfuckery).
If you do all that beforehand, and you study / go to office hours enough to keep up in the class, then you'll do totally fine. Everyone passes this eventually, after all. (Or drops out, but y'know.)