47KiB, 960x540, https---specials-images.forbesimg.com-imageserve-5e4a3210a854780006b18efa-Artificial-Human-Beings--The-Amazing-Examples-Of-Robotic-Humanoids-And-Digital-Humans-960x0.jpg?fit=scale.jpg View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO Anonymous Sat 09 Oct 10:09:33 2021 No.13731937 ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>13731941 >>13731943 >>13731946 >>13731963 >>13731981 >>13732011 the basis of modern economies is one of trade, we trade our work for the products we consume. but if robots can do all the work in the future, then what do regular people have left to trade with?