Why is the order of operations the way it is and why is it correct?

No.13731386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm just learning a bit of linear algebra for college prerequisite and I need to know WHY and HOW things are and work for me to understand them especially in mathematics. My focus came to the order of operations. Why is it in that specific order?
I can't find anything by googling it, binging it, or ducking it. The only things that came up were what it is and nothing else.
I understand the purpose is to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to the order, but why that order and why does it work?
There clearly is a correct order or else things that rely on applied math wouldn't work because we get the wrong answer every time.
Can someone prove to me that it's correct? Anything?? I hate not knowing and just having to
"accept it the way it is."