I'm sick and tired of people saying we need to get the vaccine because the vaccinated are filling up hospitals. At this point, in most places there are actually more vaccinated people in hospitals for severe COVID infections, so the idea the unvaccinated are primarily responsible for hospital crowding is ridiculous.
>but you don't understand statistics. Way more people have been vaccinated, so thats why their are more of them in the hospital than unvaccinated
No shit dumbass. Nobody is disputing that point. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of people in the hospital are still vaccinated. Even if all the unvaccinated people left the hospital, the majority of the problem would still not be solved. The unvaccinated are not crowding hospitals, and neither are ivermectin users. By a matter of shear statistics, if there is crowding going on (there isn't), then it being caused primarily by the vaccinated.
>but you don't understand statistics. Way more people have been vaccinated, so thats why their are more of them in the hospital than unvaccinated
No shit dumbass. Nobody is disputing that point. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of people in the hospital are still vaccinated. Even if all the unvaccinated people left the hospital, the majority of the problem would still not be solved. The unvaccinated are not crowding hospitals, and neither are ivermectin users. By a matter of shear statistics, if there is crowding going on (there isn't), then it being caused primarily by the vaccinated.