No.13729986 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do people treat chemistry as a hard science ? it's literally just calculating dilutions, which most chemistry students cant even do. All papers in the field that I've been shown go something like this:
>huur diphalusphoshenes(incomprehensable inane nomenclature) dick-anenes are novel cocksniffing aggreagates that are """"""promising"""""" as future cock massagers
>We took some """""novel"""" compounds and attached a methyl group to them, measured the melting point, took IR , XRD and NMR spectras (most chemists don't even know how magnetism at quantum level works, yet they cram unnecessary NMR spectras down everyone throats)

Added to that Chemistry students are more insufferable than premeds
>I'm the one that knocks lmao
>Reductive amination is how you make meth lmao

Even more so """"chemistry"""" professors are the biggest conmen around. This is a personal anecdote but I'm rather confident that most university chemistry departments are like this. I've had the misfortune to attend a materials science conference where the pajeet professors that barely spoke even rudimentary foreigner tier of English ran fucking citing mills that had their pajeet """"peers"""" as references in to some meme magic shit that was surely made up

I'm fucking fed up, why does nobody step up and actually teach those chemistry, biology and especially biochemistry(literally took two pseudosciences and turned it in to an even bigger pseud shit) faggots a lesson.

pic related """"""chemists""" doing """"chemistry""""""