Quoted By:
Turkey Lurkey. " O Turkey Lurkey ! " says
Goose Loose, " the sky is falling ! " " Why," says
Turkey Lurkey, " Goose Loose, how do you know
it ? " Says Goose Loose, " Duck Luck told me."
" Duck Luck, how do you know it ? " Says Duck
Luck, " Hen Pen told me." " Hen Pen, how do
you know it ? " Says Hen Pen, " Chicken Little
told me." " Chicken Little, how do you know it ? "
" How can I help knowing it ? " says Chicken Lit-
tle ; "I heard it with my ears, I saw it with my eyes,
and part of it fell on my tail ! " " O, come, let us
run ! " says Turkey Lurkey. And away they all
went till they met with
Fox Lox. " O Fox Lox ! " says Turkey Lur-
key, "the sky is falling!" "Who told you?"
says Fox Lox. Says Turkey" Lur key, "Goose
Loose told me." " Goose Loose, who told you?"
" Duck Luck told me." " Duck Luck, who told
you?" "Hen Pen told me." "Hen Pen, who
told you ? " " Chicken Little told me." " Chick-
en Little, how do you know it ? " " O, I heard it
with my ears, 1 saw it with my eyes, and part of it
fell on my tail ! " " Make haste ! " says Fox Lox,
" and all come into my den "
Fox Lox opened the door, and in went Turkey
Lurkey. As she went in, Fox Lox bit off her
head, threw it one way, and the body another.
Then went in Goose Loose. Fox Lox cut off her
head, and threw her in. Then came Duck Luck.
Fox Lox did the same by her. Then came Hen
Pen. Fox Lox bit off her head, and threw it one
way, and the body the other. Then came Chicken
Little. Fox Lox caught hold of her, and eat her
all up, and then finished his supper with the rest,
and all this from the foolish fright of Chicken