Does anyone else feel something really weird has happened to this website?

No.13725654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was recently watching some videos on Khan Academy to refresh myself on some topics and I haven't been to that site in a few years. Sal Khan had a very strong inherent ability to explain topics by cutting through the bullshit and just giving you the essentials, but now it seems different. It's really subtle, but it's there. The best way I can describe it is that it seems like he now has a room full of "educators" insisting he explains things in a certain mainstream way that actually works against what made that site great.

The whole field of "education" in an academic sense has to be packed with the biggest retards on the planet that can still read and write where some dumb ass finds that in an informal, poorly structured study in one class room, putting clown wigs on their students improved their math scores by 1% so now everyone in the country has to wear a clown wig. KA used to be a site you went to get concise clarity, now it seems like the site is trying to be an online public school by applying public school philosophies towards education. Does anyone else feel the same?