Kurt Gödel

No.13725582 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Was he a schizo?


>Wheeler: I knew the stories about Gödel being concerned always about his health. I knew from his friend Oscar Morgenstern how Gödel would never take a pills prescription from his doctor without getting out a big medical book and studying up on that pill himself to make sure that it was okay. But I didn't realize how far his dreams went, because I had failed to resonate to a talk he gave in 1945 at the symposium held in honor of Einstein's birthday. In that talk Gödel had described what he called a Rotating Universe, a universe where all the galaxies turn the same way, and where the geometry is such that you keep on going living your life and you come round and come back and can live it over again; 'Closed Time-like Line' was the magic phrase to describe it. So you didn't have to worry about the pill because you come back and live your life all over again.