No.13723613 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I live in Boulder, Colorado. Its a city of 100k so I don't think I'm doxing myself. This probably sounds kind of faggy or schizo but I workout late and one of my favorite things in the world is after my workouts on the walk home to look up at the moon, feel its silver light shine down on me, and say a quiet prayer to her. Anyway Boulder is a temperate but very dry area. Most nights there's barely a cloud in the sky. Despite this I very rarely see the moon despite the fact my phone says the moon phase should have it be out very bright and prominent. I sometimes see her peak out very late at night though a bit above the horizon line.

Why don't I see the moon when she should be out? The best I can figure is it has something to do with the elevation. Will this change later on in the year as the earth or will I need to move somewhere else to see the moon more?