Covid is a fabrication

No.13720855 ViewReplyOriginalReport
And I can prove it mathematically. Firstly they admitted anyone who died "with Covid"(tested positive) is counted as a Covid death.
Secondly they used an unreliable PCR test to supposedly confirm the presence of the bullshit fake ass Jew virus. The creator of the PCR test said you can find anything in anyone with it. This is an admitted fact.
Thirdly 577,000 supposedly died in the U.S. in one year from it. They admitted 93% of those had an average of 2.5 comorbidities(fatal diseases). That means they simply took a bunch of cancer/diabetese deaths and moved them over to the "Covid" column to implement an Authoritarian globalist prison state.
93% of 577,000 is 536,610. 577,000 - 536,610 = 40,390
Flu deaths are suddenly 0 this year. About 61,000 people died in the 2017-2018 flu season. This entire pandemic is bullshit. There is no virus. I repeat there is absolutely NO FUCKING VIRUS, whatsoever. Don't take a "vaccine"(euthanizing/sterilizing injection). It is not incompetance. It is not "untested". It is deliberate depopulation via sterilization and euthanasia. The injection is designed to infertilize and kill.
The people claiming they had Covid are either shills or gullible hypochondriac fucking idiots. "I LOST MY SMELL/TASTE THOUGH." Yea, that's called congestion, dumb fuck. You didn't completely lose your sense of taste. The power of suggestion caused you to experience a placebo effect. You're a gullible moron. You were told the virus makes you lose your sense of taste and you convinced yourself you did.
You don't need hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or any other bullshit. I have not worn a mask or social distanced at all this entire time. This bullshit is not real. Wake the fuck up.