No.13718944 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How hasn't the FAA shut down SpaceX at Boca Chica yet? The site is built on and surrounded by nature preserves that are home to many threatened and endangered species including the Ocelot, Gulf Coast jaguarundi, Northern aplomado falcon, Piping plover, and the many endangered sea turtles that use the beach for their nesting grounds. It clearly threatens a rich natural environment and SpaceX has already been responsible for causing a 100 acre wildfire in the area. The activities by SpaceX are devastating for the local wildlife. Also, Musk has already violated agreements it has made with regulators and the State of Texas. Common Sense Skeptic made an excellent video on this:

Now, the FAA is doing an environmental assessment for exactly this reason and invites you, the public, to comment and voice your concerns. These poor animals and critters don't have a voice and can't stand up for themselves against the desires of this raving megalomaniac billionaire. So until November 1st, you can send your complaints to and hopefully get the FAA do its job and shut these motherfuckers down.