Lol, I like how when non-woke lefties are criticized, many of them are willing to identify and acknowledge flaws in non-woke ideology, and will admit that conservatism, centrism, etc have flaws of their own
>>13717928, but then when woke lefties face criticism of their ideology, they try to dismiss it, ignore it, or engage in semantic games, straw manning, and gaslighting like here
>>13717939. Its like they think there could never be any examples of leftist bias or irrationality because we live in a bigoted, right wing society, and any criticisms of woke ideology are either baseless, or evidence that the opposing position is rooted in bigotry, racism, intolerence, etc. It is a perfect example of an infalsifiable ideology. Any criticism can be a priori rejected and ignored.
I dont really have a voice in these debates on places like 4chan or in mainstream politics, because I am a social libertarian but an economic leftist, and there really arent many of us, but if there are crazy factions in my ideology or flaws in my belief system, I actually want people to point them out. Then I can address those flaws or issues, and thereby make my position more robust and convincing to others. Of course, if someone has a shitty argument, then I will defend my position as much as possible, but if someone points out a genuine flaw, and I cant address it, then my instinct is not to engage in semantic games or gaslighting, but rather to re-examine my own ideology. The sad thing about our political climate today, is that even making these sort of innocuous claims is liable to set off everyone from the Qtards to the Woke left. If you goal is actually to convince other people and to engage in good faith political debate and discussion, then you need to be prepared to acknowledge flaws in your own political camp, and you can't just ignore people because theyre a "shill" or a "poltard", or whatever demonizing buzzword is popular in in your segment of the political community.