Modern work is so much easier, safer, more rewarding, less stressful, and requires far fewer physical exertions than traditional labor. Working conditions are better, too. Workplaces are cleaner, healthier, quieter, friendlier, more pleasant. Workers get paid commensurately for their efforts, unlike when they worked manual labor. Machines perform tasks previously done manually, freeing up time for leisure pursuits like watching television, reading books, playing sports, etc. Workplace accidents are rarer, thanks to safety measures. Workers retire earlier and enjoy higher incomes throughout retirement than previous generations. Jobs are plentiful, meaning everyone has employment opportunities. Job security is high, especially among professionals. Unemployment is practically non-existent. More people participate in politics than ever before, enabling government officials to enact policies that benefit broader groups of people (e.g., minimum wage hikes) instead of narrowly targeting specific people (e.g., making life harder for welfare recipients). Corruption is virtually nonexistent, preventing abuses like nepotism and cronyism. Taxes are lower. Personal freedoms are greater. Crime rates are low. The standard of living increases dramatically, leading to increased consumption. Education improves rapidly, resulting in smarter, more productive populations. Society overall experiences dramatic improvements, benefiting everyone.