>>13715592>Children often show symptoms of autismAutism isn't a physical illness. It's a psychiatric label given to children who might show at one point behavior that is deemed abnormal and in need of therapeutic intervention like disliking making eye contact, delayed speech development or spinning around. Also tapping with the feet or being easily distracted can also count as symptoms of autism even if they're taken from the ADHD list.
You can't show symptoms of autism because autism is the symptoms of whatever assumed biological 'disorder' that causes it. That's how it works with any 'disorder' that is based solely on behavior. Currently, there's no proof that there is a single or any kind of biological 'disorder' specifically causing Autism. Similarly to ADHD, depression etc, this is just pseudoscientific pro-eugenicist talk that tries to convince undesirable people that their undesirable behavior is just as bad (or so it's assumed) and real as cancer or tuberculosis.
It's like saying that I'm showing symptoms of coughing because I cough. This is a completely tautological argument.
>>13715362See comment above. We're not getting better at diagnosing it. We simply have extended the scope of the term autism to the point that any introverted kid necessarily fulfills the definition of it.
>>13715494Social autism induced by excessive screen time and exposure is a real thing.
>>13715514Schizophrenics and bipolar are also evolutionarily selected against, yet their prevalence didn't decrease over the last hundred years.