>>13713522>The tendency of the rate of profit to fall hasn't been debunkedthis only ever happens in an ideal free market world where the State doesnt exist to create barriers of entry, and thus increased productivity lets competition lower prices. Even so that relies on the retarded definition of profit being purely monetary (does a simp not profit psychologically from wasting 100 dollars on his favorite virtual whore? all profit is subjective, so is value)
Even so, Marx explanation for it was retarded, and empirically profits actually increase over time (more like in waves, with every innovation profit baseline explodes, then decreases a bit)
>Marx failed to prove that average labour requirements are the real regulator of product-prices within capitalist production, since Marx failed to demonstrate what exactly the causal or quantitative connection was between the two. >As a corollary, Marx's theory of the TRPF was undermined as well, since it was based on a necessary long-term evolution of value-proportions between the composition of production capital and the yield of production >and idiots saying marginal utility deboonks Marxism haven't read Marx since he talks about that in Das KapitalJust because the moron supposedly mentioned it doesnt mean he understood it or more importantly why it refutes marxism base (which is the labour theory of value with just work as the base for all value instead of the predecessors additions of other costs)