No.13710042 ViewReplyOriginalReport
35 Year old boomer here. If I could go back in time to college I would have started an organization to criticize unnecessary funding at my University. In the past I was a part of all these lame political organizations I thought were edgy back then. Now I realize the edgiest thing you could possibly do at a university would be scrutinize where the universities money is getting funneled. Universities have huge financial interests that they are upholding in their own communities, and it would have been so easy as a student to point out the resulting conflicts of interest. If you want to understand an issue "follow the money!", and there is nowhere this is more true than at Universities. Science has turned into this ridiculous "grant proposal" scheme, and it's absolutely circumvented the legitimacy of science, and continues to do so. Anyone that cares about the legitimacy of science should be fuming mad at the destruction of credibility science has endured in the name of short term profitability. This is a huge issue, and I'd love to see a movement to address it.