I am an extremely fast eater and can eat a baconator (1200 kcalories) in under a minute. At two baconators per day, I have enough food to last me over a year, assuming I eat at the same speed every day.
I go into my Garage and obtain my motorcycle(victory brand) and only fuel up in offbrand gas stations, which are never used as landmarks and would therefore have not burned up during the sun crash.
To find my way back: for any length radius less than 1km, set the angle of my motorcycle steering column to generate a circle with perimeter = 2piR.
When the perimeter search is complete, drive towards center of the circle.
Roaches can survive nuclear bombs, the sun is just a nuclear fusion bomb going off for all known (to me) time, therefore all roaches would live and would breed at an extreme rate with no more predators.
Leave bits of baconator to lure roaches, and farm roaches. Use the tomato seeds from my baconator to grow tomatoes, sesame seeds to grow sesame. I can do this in my bunker and use my own feces as fertilizer. This should last for the remainder of my lifespan or until the sun returns to normal.