>>13708540This image, and other lust inducing images, are physical phenomena
You perceive physical phenomena in two parts: inner perception and external perception.
The external perception is the presentation of a stimulus (such as a sexy babe). This essentially tells you that this babe exists, but this can not be entirely known without inner perception.
The inner perception is the knowledge of the perception, or the presentation of the presentation to yourself, thus allowing yourself to make a judgement about this presentation.
To be horny would then be a derivative of a motivated loving. Motivated meaning a perception which is immediately caused by another psychological phenomena and this relation of causation is perceived by the judger.
Horniness is contained within the class of emotions. Emotions depend unilaterally on presentations and judgings, thus it is theoretically possible to be some being which has judgements and presentations, without one cannot think, but not have emotions, such as horniness.
A possible idea or beginning to a process which would allow yourself to rid yourself of your sexual desire would be to figure out some way to not judge a self-evident presentation. Basically, using the previous terms, find some manner to not make a instantaneous judgement on an inner perception of a presentation which arouses you.
A place to start with this would be to read about transcendental reduction, as this seems to me to be the only way to suspend judgement, thus suspend emotion.