>>137075371. Monozygotic twins still have phenotypic differences. Differences are greater when they grow up in different environments. However their genes are the same, so the differences cannot be explained by genetic differences. Differences in their environments caused the differences in their phenotypes. Yes, hurr durr, the reason the environment has certain effects on organisms can be reduced to genetics. However that's not the point of the debate.
2. Environmental influence does not exist because their effects can be reduced on the organism to genetics? You can spin the whole argument around by saying any factor from outside that influences genes or their phenotype is environmental because you can't have the effect without these environmental influences. You literally can't have any kind of organism change without outside influence. Hence everything is nurture.
3. Gene-environment interaction. Trauma-example: some people are more prone to develop PTSD after a traumatic event than others. Genetic factor. However without traumatic event there will be no PTSD regardless the genetic predisposition. Environmental factor. Example
>>13707332 : Genetic predisposition increases the risk to develop antisocial traits after experiencing violence in childhood. However without the environmental factor, no developmental anomaly. Schizo weed example: about 5% of the population has a genetic risk of developing psychosis after consuming cannabis. However no consumption (environment), no psychosis.
4. Muh epigenetics(2/2)
>>13707506Gene environment interaction. Without the environmental influence there would be no effect.