On the subject of women

No.13703460 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>In Economics class
>have to take it because mandatory arts credits
>prof assigns group project
>poorfag so no laptop
>one dude and one girl, the dude is a freeloader but super chill
>i'll allow it.jpg
>gril immediately does what all grils do and starts wasting time.
>really pretty but dumb as bricks
>finish the group project in class with 10 minutes to spare
>tell her to submit it as is
>being a gril, thinking she has to contribute, adds her own paragraph after mine and completely fucks it up
>didn't even read the concept so markers get confused
>docked marks
>why do girls do this
without fail, it's always the girls who fuck up, and they work really hard too. Always going on about studying for 8 hours, pulling all-nighters, taking all sorts of pills, etc...

I get my 8 hours of sleep
I finish all my school work in 2 hours
I cook my own meals everyday (another thing I don't get is how these chicks have enough money to be walking around with starbucks all the time, and eat fast food every day)
I get hours every day to dick around, shitposting or watching television.