Why are different dick sizes even a thing? This isn't a copium post, this is a question that has kind of bugged me for a while. Especially since browsing this board regularly (side note: this board is mostly only good for porn. Change my mind). The same question could be asked about women's breasts sizes too. What's the evolutionary advantage of having a larger or smaller set of tits or a larger or smaller dick? Generally, two adults of the same age you're going to have eyes that are around the same size, assuming they don't have any genetic defects, right? Lungs, hearts, kidneys, certain bones, your stomach, etc, or generally going to be the same size as the person next to you who is of the same age and gender. So why is it possible for someone to be born with a massive Mandingo 10 inch dick or a literal micro penis that's the size and girth of someone's pinky? Why is it possible for a grown woman to have little or no tits whatsoever yet her sibling could be born with a rack comparable to Hitomi Tanaka's or Maserati xxx's? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember reading somewhere that the amount of milk a female producers when they lactate isn't heavily affected, if at all, by their breast size. So....why does it happen?
This is all coming from someone who considers himself above average at best
This is all coming from someone who considers himself above average at best