>>13711131Are your mental gymnastics a part of your mating strategy? Are you a manlet trying to convince women to sleep with you despite your low standing?
Women love feeling small and inferior, they love a strong capable smart man with high status to fuck them silly. And this has been extremely beneficial for our survival, with this mating strategy women have bred an ever increasing IQ for a very long time.
If you don't mess with peoples built-in morality and instincts, reversing the evolved psychology that has led us here with genetic engineering;
Women will not choose a male sex partner that they deem inferior, especially in social stature and social stature has a height factor.
You would have to completely rewire the male and female brains to accept these new paradigms, but that doesn't just go back to some ape or even monkey ancestors, but since before there were trees in a common ancestor with modern day lobsters, whose social standing is calculated with the same neurotransmitters as our nervous system uses; serotonin. A high status man is one who can dominate other men, don't you remember fighting with the big kids?
Women's high IQ is negatively correlated with fertility, because they don't desire men who are inferior to them in such an obvious manner, as is women's height, not only because women aren't attracted to small men, but because men don't desire large women.
The best you could do is to splice some chimp DNA in there because the females don't have a preference for sexual partners, they'll copulate with any male in sight when they're in heat, but by then your little experiment is already in the science fiction realm.
Without a preference for high value men, determined in part by height, humanity will slowly fade into animal life.