>>13702528Dark Matter (DM) has been one of the biggest puzzles in physics for decades. sad to say that nobody has made any POSITIVE identification of it. however, many theories of what it could be have been conclusively ruled out, which to me means actual progress has been made on the problem.
the progress has actually stimulated good work on both the experimental and theoretical sides. for example, the hypothesis that dark matter consists of stellar mass black holes has had an unusual history. it was once a great and obvious option theoretically, and so experimentalists worked on it. then those experimentalists ruled it out because all those theories contradicted experiment. years went by and then theorists argued that the old theories were incomplete and maybe roughly solar mass black holes DO still work as an explanation for dark matter. and now we still don’t know and astrophysicists are renewing their efforts on these revised theories
IMHO DM is for sure black holes but what do i know