vaccine passport

No.13702459 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can governaments can scientifically justify the vaccine passport? The vaccinated can still catch covid The vaccinated can still transmit covid. Beta-coronaviruses are documented to be endemic to the US for decades, no vaccine will eradicate the coronaviridae family
coronaviruses were thought to be the cause of the common cold in the 60s
coronaviruses have 2 infectious peaks each annual coronaviridae season: 1st peak in late fall/early winter & 2nd peak in late spring/early summer
coronaviridae are known to reinfect & antibodies are known to be short-lived
the spike protein is a toxin itself & they should've used another epitope for the vaccine, such as a portion of the nucleocapsid protein or membrane protein, which we have been exposed to via other endemic beta coronaviruses