No.13701514 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone read pic related? Is it good? And most importantly: How does one improve their sleep, scientifically speaking?

I bought the book, haven't started it yet, but apparently someone found a lot of problems with some claims the author makes throughout the book. Here's the link to the post detailing the problems:

I haven't read the post either, I'm planning on reading the book first and then reading the post, in order to judge by myself if the criticism is valid. But I wanted to know from /sci/ if anyone has read the book, and if it is actually good or a waste of time. But above all, I guess what I really want to know is if /sci/ has sleeping problems, and what have they done to improve their sleep.

Basically I just want to discuss how to get some good quality sleep in order to perform better throughout the day. Thanks in advance.