No.13700825 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Why do beans contain so much protein?"

>Brainlet (IQ <60): I dont know. I only heard beans have lots of protein.
Brainlets just memorize their way through life. Someone once told them and they remember. Authority and tradition rule over them. They might still be right 95% of the time though, but whatever they know, everybody else knows too so they don't bring anything to the table.

>Retard (IQ: <80): Because bean has 15 grams of protein per 100 g and that is considered a lot of protein.
Retards use simple relations to capture the world. Nothing exists outside the relation. They can make simple comparisons knowing their pre-existing set of relations.

>Average (IQ <100): Because beans have a symbiotic relationship with a bacteria that allows them to do more protein.
Average people develop a dictionary of statements. Using basic word and sentence manipulation they are able to add little bit of information to what they have in their dictionary. They can combine few sentences into each other too.

>Intelligent (IQ >120): Beans belong to the legume family, where they form a symbiotic relationship with a Rhizobia bacteria. The bacteria dwell inside specialized organs of the legume plant, the root nodules. In exchange for nitrogen, which is used to make protein of course, the bacteria get sugars! This symbiosis developed more than 60 million years ago and is one of the key reasons for high success in legumes.
Intelligent people don't differ much from computers. They try to make a neat web of things in which they navigate their way and never truly get stuck.

>Genius (IQ >140): Beans trade nitrogen in low nitrogen environments with bacteria.
Genius focus on the essential and create truth on the go. They don't immediately respond to you and they take suprisingly few things for granted, simply because their thoughts rarely contain very particular ideas. They see the world in its true simplicity and see constantly see the lack in general knowledge humanity has on matters