>>13700165It's insulting. I flunked out of my advanced math in high school, so my parents assumed I was retarded. They had a friend's wife diagnose me with autism. After I got sent to a local retard school about an hour away. Took a mini retard bus with only me on it, with patronizing bus drivers who treated me like a retard. Except that one guy, Ed, who changed my life by treating me normal.
The school itself had 12-16 other retards, only one girl. All autism. Some very autistic who wouldn't shut the fuck up about swords and WWII. They couldn't read body language. There was a "cool down" room you can attend when you got mad, because they always got mad. I abused that room, and just left it littered with trash. Sometimes I slept there.
The classes were mostly just worksheets and Bill Nye and history documentaries. Homework was ridiculously easy. To give you an idea, the math teacher wasn't even qualified to teach me 10th grade math (exponents and algebra) because she didn't understand it. I say me because I was the only one at that level. So she just printed worksheets and told me to do it, which I did. I taught myself those rules with a calculator.
The place required constant chores because they couldn't hire a janitor. All of us had to clean the boards, take out the trash, clean the carpets, put the chairs on top of the table, etc. I got out of it by saying I had a phobia of garbage. They knew I was lying but couldn't do anything about it because AUTISM. Checkmate, idiots.
Anyway that's about it. I'm sure I missed a lot of stuff. AMA. People are gonna say it's a larp but idgaf