>>13698471I may as well assign copypastas to function keys at this point.
In the short-term, there's an extremely tiny fraction of a % chance that you could get TTS or GBS from the AstraZeneca and J&J vaxes, and a tiny fraction of a % chance that you could get myocarditis/pericarditis from the Moderna and Pfizer vaxes. The vast majority of these adverse-event cases resolve on their own or respond to medical treatment, but some unlucky individuals have died from them (9 deaths from TTS in Australia). It's also significantly more likely to experience these adverse events if you get COVID while unvaxed. All this of course assumes you trust the data and don't believe there's an absurdly effective conspiracy on the part of every single medical body, academic institution, and hospital in the world.
In the long-term, there's something of a gamble, as there also is with getting COVID while unvaxed.