>>13700140>I dont know what you have in mind that needs such speed reduction, but you can always play with percentage that goes inside for combustion and percentage that goes outside for cooling the chamber.I am trying to build an efficient forge/foundry, thus I want the combustion to concentrate in a small volume. The best way I can think of doing that is to raise the pressure of oxygen without increasing the gas velocity. Also, adiabatic compression will further raise the temperature of the gas. Since gas turbines seem to meet these criterion, it seemed logical to model this furnace after one.
>Gauze is a terrible idea as it will only reduce pressure by mechanism of friction.Wouldn't friction heat the gas? I've also been playing around with the idea of using a Tesla valve. I imagine this friction loss within a porous medium is essentially why blast furnaces are so good at what they do. But a blast furnace does not concentrate combustion within a small volume.
>Area increase is the only way to do it fundamentallyThe continuity equation assumes no pressure drop, and would result merely in a decrease in velocity. Expansion valves, characterized by an increasing cross-sectional area, drop the pressure.