>>13694004Well... Not that we really know what dark energy is, maybe it's a scalar field, or an intrinsic property of the universe that isn't "created" just like spacetime isn't created
Or it could just be an error in our math that led us to analyze the expansion of the universe with some prejudices about the results we should find
>>13694003What happens when a white dwarf and a neutron star collide? A hell of a giant bang
Someone should calculate the energies involved, if the energy of the explosion can overcome the gravitational attraction of the two colliding bodies, then the white dwarf will probably disintegrate and be sent in the universe in a billion pieces; if the neutron star absorbs the explosion, well implosion, maybe this will push its mass above the limit at which neutron degeneracy pressure cannot prevent further collapse into a black hole
AS for different types of black holes, it's theorized that in the first years of the universe, black holes could have formed from gravitational collapse of molecular clouds, without going through a stellar process; such primordial black holes could have been very much less massive than stellar remnants, and evaporated in short order (if BH do indeed evaporate), and telescopes are on the lookout for redshifted gamma emissions from such objects, as proof of Hawking radiation