>>13692935New jannies are terrible. I mean this site has been going down hill for year, but the jannies have been especially sensitive for awhile now. It seems like its been going on for the past 2 years or so on sci. You will get banned for all sorts of shit. I have been banned probably a dozen times for attaching "unrelated" pictures to my post, and for plenty of other ridiculous things. Do we really need that kind of curation? That kind of censorship? Sure there will be shitposting, but that is a small price to pay for having a board where you can actually post what you want, and you don't have to adhere to what the neoliberal SJW mob wants you to think. I am an oldfag. I have been posting daily for almost a decade. I had never been banned for "off topic" images. Actually, it was considered perfectly normal, until we got the new JIDF mods, to post "off topic" pictures. You could post whatever pictures you wanted, as long is it was "work safe". People even used to add to their post "pic unrelated", meaning it was just a random picture. It could be anything. Just an anime character or an animal or a car or something. It didn't hurt anyone.
Also I am a grad student, and I have made threads about my area of research (mathematical models of evolution, particularly as it relates to the Extended Modern Synthesis and multi-level selection). My threads, on numerous occasions have been deleted, and on several occasions, I have even been banned, simply because multi-level selection theory is a controversial, albeit mainstream, topic in biology, and it naturally invites discussion about shit like evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, and the philosophy of science, all of which are topic that absolutely trigger normies, redditors, and pop-sci normies.