>>13691888>is it possible to have hypnosis en masse via information overload?What the fuck does that even mean.
Hypnosis is a parlor trick, there are no Svengalis who can stare into your eyes or spin a pendant and put you into some kind of unconscious suggestibility. It is simply a means of socially pressuring someone into performing a role - they are fully conscious but to avoid social embarrassment play along like they were hypnotized.
The idea that you can transpose this into 'mass hypnosis' is a misunderstanding of what hypnosis is.
You can market to people
You can shower them in propaganda
You can distract them from important discussions about housing and immigration policy by creating fake controversies over racism or white blonde girls getting murdered in vans...
In fact let me tell you a story Peter Ustinov told about being in the Soviet Union.
>Be Peter Ustinov in Soviet Union watching TV>Soccer game on tv>Soccer reaches half time>Stern woman with hair in bun announces a party speech broadcast>old party man comes on TV gives speech>Stern woman with hair in bun comes in and announces return to Soccer>Ask friend "why is the Soccer back on?">"Because Peter if they didn't, there'd be another revolution"Sports.
Sports is what you're looking for OP. Not hypnosis. Not info overload. Sports. the second half of Bread and Circuses.