No.13691581 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why me, /sci/? Why did I have to grow up loving computers? My bookshelves are full of computer and math books, I'm going to a sub10 university to study computers and math, I own multiple servers, I enjoy reading about computer history and talking about the different versions of Unix over the years, I find computer culture fun, and I hate almost every other cs major in my school because they're all treating it as a business major.
But that's not the worst part, the worst part is that I'm a cs-math major too. Why couldn't I be into solely math? Why couldnt I be solely into physics? Chemistry? Biology? Why did I not become a real scientist, /sci/? Why am I doomed to be a professionally trained hobbyist?
This thought has been running through my mind for 3 years now, and I hate that it's fucking true.