>>13687998>>13688572>>13690455>>13689445Nobody "studies programming." Programming is something you do, but it's not really to be studied in depth because that's like studying CAD software. You study problems that can be solved by computation, and programming is what you know to help implement that intuition and knowledge.
This is why there's a huge divide between CS majors at good schools and CS majors at bad or even average schools. I know CS majors from MIT (yes, while they're EECS, their resume and work all veer towards pure CS) who work MechE aligned jobs in robotics. I know CS majors who work in physical design for designing circuit layouts (lots of rich algorithmic work there). But these people are fewer than the rest who just want a job working at some basic bitch firm writing business logic.
If you major in math, learn CS (not progamming, but actual CS). If you major in CS, learn math. Both should learn programming. If you're doing your work as you should, by the time you hit grad school, if you're interested in the same field, you will know the same things. Read any large theory book in a field of applied or pure math written by a CS prof and ask yourself the question, "Is it really true that CS researchers are any worse off than math researchers?"
>but no such books existhttps://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~watrous/TQI/TQI.pdfhttp://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/book.pdfhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.10386.pdfhttps://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~alchern/teaching/DDG.pdfand many more
TL;DR study what you want and supplement with whatever you aren't studying now. Don't underestimate CS - there are a ton of problems in the field and many more that touch problems in every field of math, science, and engineering.