>>13693763... begins to diminish between samples, we can move on to the next step, of producing the assembler fluids to generate solvents manually. This is a necessary step because we cannot rely on SCP-294 to produce a single vial with enough potency to fully destroy a living sample, let alone the whole containment hazard. Science is needed because we can't rely on the magic of SCP-294 to produce human-safe variations of the developing fluid if our aim is to produce enough for effective containment.
Do not allow yourself to grow accustomed to using SCP-294 for fluid fabrication. Remember that it is an SCP, and one wrong request may well result in an encounter with worse containment hazards than a dead tissue sample. You must phrase things delicately and be aware that the assembler fluids for our target solvent may be extremely hazardous to handle, observe, or replicate ourselves. Starting with miniscule base fluid and expanding it through a growth medium that we can find an independent means to manufacture is integral to producing a fluid volume with the mass and safety requirements necessary for full containment.
When we find a stable growth medium, we can begin human trials of both the reconstructed and original fluids from the vials. Personnel are reminded not to rely on SCP-294 to produce "medicines" that would handle the side-effects of consuming an evolutionary solvent.
The goal here is not simply to destroy samples of cell material, but to do so in a manner that advances our survival rate in comparison to each sample. In doing so we can anticipate the creation of a fluid that behaves similar to a living organism, but is symbiotic with humans. A living slime that exhibits primitive sentience should be treated with caution, but may be necessary for the construction of our containment substance.