>>13686947>I don't think I could explainPathetic
>>13686935First thing, solar wind might be millions (not billions) of tons per second, but that's still nothing compared to the mass of Pluto, at 14,430,000,000,000,000,000 (14 quintillion) tons, give or take a zero. Plus, it's radiating in all directions.
Second thing, planets are in a stable-ish orbit, while solar wind was ejected straight out and will go until it hits the edge of the Solar System. Solar wind has been compared to a faucet. The border between the fast water and slow water would be where, past Neptune, the solar wind abruptly slows where it collides with interstellar wind. In this analogy, a planet would be a heavy metal coin circling the drain. What happens to solar wind then? Fuck if I know.