>>13687307>and im probably forgetting something hereyeah here's more fun stuff:
https://odysee.com/@BannedFromYoutube:d/Pressekonferenz-Tod-durch-Impfung-Undeklarierte-Bestandteile-der-COVID-19-Impfstoffe:athey show a video of a dark field microscopy of the biontec vaccine. An object is moving autonomously over the plate. It is suspected to be a micro-/nano-robot. Also note how everything is moving. At you see the same object in a normal light microscope (dried out)
a rectangular object which resembles somehow a micro chip
a triangle or plane shaped object moves autonomously in the liquid (observable in many cases, same shape)
an unknown fibric structure, not a hair, not a dust particle, it’s “birefringent” meaning that it’s not organic
smear out form a patient she treats herself, was paralyzed half-sided after 2nd vaccination and now has MS and auto-imun-bodies or cerebral type (hard to translate), video was recorded 6 months after vaccination, you see dancing metal fragments (plane shaped) and the blood cells around it are no longer alive (form of datura), the white part is a granulocyte which tries to pick-up foreign bodies but obviously fails.
filaments and contaminated blood after biontec vaccination
unknown filaments in the blood
unused residual of biontect vaccine, delivered in cooled storage, when in warm environment (on glass plate) it becomes very active. Moving particles only in biontec. Astra-Zeneca is inert.
Statement: you can see these “impurities” all the time, not only in Japan.
an Austrian researcher shows her findings with pictures from dark-field microscope with droplets of pfizer and biontec vaccines with filaments, chains, rings, square shapes, many sharp and pointy metallic parts, etc.
a rectangular large unknown object becomes visible, everything is very dynamic
a object resembling a SIM card of a mobile flies into view, held magnet close to object, no reaction observed –> not magnetic