the wuhan problem

No.13684772 ViewReplyOriginalReport
you are a tourist in wuhan and you eat bat soup. OH NO! YOU GET CORONAVIRUS! dont fear, 3 high IQ chinese guys have each developed their own vaccine. there is a problem, though, just before you can speak to any of these guys, a jew kidnaps you and the 3 high IQ chinese guys. he says to you "i will only let you take one vaccine, 14 days after you take it, i will force you to sneeze on the 10 80 year olds i have also kidnapped, i will give you 1 hour to make ur decision". during ur one hour, you go on 4chan sci and they are talking about the vaccines made by the chinese guys, they say that 2 of them only kill 99.99999999....% of the coronaviruses in your body and that this means 0.0000....1% will multiply to billions in 14 days and kill the old people when you sneeze on them. 4chan also says that 2 of the chinese guys are actually jewish and that only jews make ineffective vaccines. ok, time to choose. the jew who kidnapped you puts you in a chair in the middle of a room, 2 of the high IQ chinese guys stand infront of you and 1 stands behind you, 1 of the 2 chinese guys screams at the top of his lungs "I AM A JEW" (this means he is a jew). this means that only 2 of the chinese guys could have the working vaccine, one is infront of you and the other is behind you. which one has a higher chance of getting the vaccine?