>>13687360All things cause infinite regress of questions, God or some material particle-thing has the exact same logical issue. The issue isn't solved by God or the universe coming from God or the universe. There's still "why is there anything at all?" Nothingness has to be included in the totality.
What prevents you from suddenly becoming a kangaroo or a proton? Sime kind of logical law or property of the universe... But such things do not apply to nothingness so there is no reason it could not just present as infinite things... Things are only given an actuality by perceiving else they have no form as a tangible object and exist in a way that's similar to imagination. Wifi signals exist and are buzzing round your face, so imagine literally everything looked like that and see how it's equal to just absolute nothingness... If no things are ever perceived there's just nothingness for eternity, even if things do exist in that pseudo-imaginary manner like Wifi, where it's definitely there but without any form.
Nothing necessitates something by being without boundary. It then becomes conscious because for there to be any tangible something there must be perceiving. This universe gave rise to perceiving lifeforms which gave what previously existed and took place unmanifest an actuality. That is why the odds are SO low and yet we are here. Because only universes in which perceiving takes place are given an actuality.
When all life in the universe ends, it plays out to its conclusion as something akin to formless imagination. As it played out from its inception until life came into being.