I recently was given antibiotics for Lyme disease, which I was told may have negatively affected my gut microbiome. I've been getting the feeling that I should bite dirt/lick railings/eat random plants/etc, and I think it might be related. I'm considering taking either soil or wood being decayed by Turkeytail fungus and sterilizing it as little as possible, to eliminate only parasites, if that could be done.
Any cool possible outcomes? What data should be tracked? I would predict an increase in "energy" due to more efficient digestion and potential increased insulin resistance (or, realistically, crazy shits due to fiber, and not much else)
citation needed
Any cool possible outcomes? What data should be tracked? I would predict an increase in "energy" due to more efficient digestion and potential increased insulin resistance (or, realistically, crazy shits due to fiber, and not much else)
citation needed