No.13678648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
whats the deal with the safety of eucalyptus oil?
ive been taking eucalyptus in my cuppas lately and i dont think im dying from it
apparently the average leaf mass is 0.51g, average yield of eucalyptus oil from leaf mass if about 1.4% and the low estimate for ld50's apparently 0.5ml/kg, so for a 50kg (nice round number) standardized person that'd give a typical amount of oil/leaf of 7.14ml and a lf50 of 2.5ml making a single leaf leaf-al thrice over.
now, its quite possible my yield is way lower than that cos im just making a cuppa (tea) not steaming it for six hours or whatever, and occasionally chewing on em to grind em up better than tearing does.
so, whats the real deal with eucalyptus? whats the actual safe limit on this? if i drink this several times/day every day will i be totally fine? in the unliekly but hypothetically possible event i end up entertaining kids, if i slip some eucalyptus into their drink instead of roofies by mistake, will they die? if an old person has one of these, will they die? i'd rather not kill anyone by accident, especially if i can be taken to court for it.