Is it possible that another human subspecies was more intelligent than homo sapiens?
In nature the most intelligent animals are always predators and social animals.
These traits require theory of mind and the ability to understand, predict events.
Social skills can also negatively affect intelligence. In our modern life we can see many extreme examples of this as we keep individuals alive that would die in harsh times or if left on their own. Many even successfully breed.
Early homo sapiens were hunters, then later became agricultural.
I cant let go of the idea that the first agricultural humans were dumber, or became dumber than their hunter-gatherer homo sapiens brothers and sisters and were eventually subdued.
Because in ancient agricultural societies it is often seen that they transformed back to hunter-gatherer lifestyles. And simply because if a successful agricultural society were to exist, it wouldnt be hard to imagine a small group of stronger hunter-gatherers (stronger and smarter because they have been hunting) to take over that society and subdue the others.
Because the farmers are dumber and weaker, yet can continue a relatively good quality life if they DONT risk fighting their oppressors, this would then continue on.
but that would be homo sapiens vs homo sapiens. perhaps a homo sapiens+denisovan/naenderthal hybrid would be better suited at that?
What did homo sapiens excell at compared to other species? As far as I know we were (probably) more violent, and lived in larger groups at least compared to neanderthals
In nature the most intelligent animals are always predators and social animals.
These traits require theory of mind and the ability to understand, predict events.
Social skills can also negatively affect intelligence. In our modern life we can see many extreme examples of this as we keep individuals alive that would die in harsh times or if left on their own. Many even successfully breed.
Early homo sapiens were hunters, then later became agricultural.
I cant let go of the idea that the first agricultural humans were dumber, or became dumber than their hunter-gatherer homo sapiens brothers and sisters and were eventually subdued.
Because in ancient agricultural societies it is often seen that they transformed back to hunter-gatherer lifestyles. And simply because if a successful agricultural society were to exist, it wouldnt be hard to imagine a small group of stronger hunter-gatherers (stronger and smarter because they have been hunting) to take over that society and subdue the others.
Because the farmers are dumber and weaker, yet can continue a relatively good quality life if they DONT risk fighting their oppressors, this would then continue on.
but that would be homo sapiens vs homo sapiens. perhaps a homo sapiens+denisovan/naenderthal hybrid would be better suited at that?
What did homo sapiens excell at compared to other species? As far as I know we were (probably) more violent, and lived in larger groups at least compared to neanderthals