Quantum entanglement is the most retarded nothingburger in the history of science

No.13677732 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Consider two classical billiard balls in a vacuum with known total momentum. Now close your eyes during the collision event. Allow the balls to seperate the balls, next measure the velocity of one of the balls and you can deduce the momentum of the other ball from the total initial momentum even if that ball is some distance away.

Now replace momentum with a quantum measurement. This is literally ALL quantum entanglement fucking is. There is no fucking "spooky action at a distance", there is nothing to be decuded about hidden variables or other implications on the interpretation of quantum technology. You cannot "entangle" particles that have already been separated. Consequently all the papers purporting to have performed "quantum teleportation" are bullshit and no different at all from taking a classical measurement and deducing the state of another object using the conservation laws. AND, get this, entanglement FUCKING DECAYS as soon as the particles come into contact with other systems just like you would expect from normal entropy decay, literally nothing special or interesting at all happening.

Physicists who waste time and grant money on this bullshit should be tried for gross negligence. Why are the Chinks wasting such huge amounts of money on experiments of such an obvious phenomenon? Why has is there no outrage over this idiocy?