so I have a degree in chemistry

No.13674987 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Back in my late teens I managed to save myself from a completely useless art degree and transferred into chemistry (at a midwit school). I ended up doing very well and getting scholarships and stuff, so I just decided to keep going. I went into a doctoral program and got a very good scholarship. Now, I am 27, studying a pretty physical field of chemistry and I am realizing that I haven't learned anything. The school just trained us in memorization and basic lab procedures. We have no understanding of the underlying phenomena. I can't program. I can barely do math. They made us pass all the pchem courses by dumbing them down to an extreme extent. I realize there is no way I will ever develop a proper understanding of everything without going back to basics, so what can I do now?
I could drop my PhD and enroll in physics/phys chem/or similar
>maybe get to actually understand things by 30
>permanently ruin my relationship with the national research foundation that's funding me
>parents basement likely forever
finish my PhD and enroll in another BSc
>maybe I can get a job and study part time
>maybe I can actually understand things by 35
>no parents basement
finish my PhD and keep going
>maybe not be broke
>have to keep BSing forever
>maybe I can learn things in my spare time