>>13678341>Fields dont have excitations????
Gluons, excitations of the strong gauge field.
Photons, W bosons, and Z bosons, excitations of the electroweak gauge fields.
Higgs bosons, excitations of one component of the Higgs field, which gives mass to fundamental particles.
>Dumbass, of course they have it. Its called spatial coherence and to put it on the language of QM (not even QFT) is essentially the spatial region where the particle has a nearly 100% chance of being located. It isnt going to be a single point, but it i isnt spread uniformly across the entire universe. Basically, if you put a atom inside a small glass vial, you know for sure the atom is located inside that vial, it isnt magically spread anywhere else, and practically speaking you can pinpoint where atoms are located with an uncertainty much lower than 1 micron. For free photons or electrons is different, as their spatial coherence could reach several meters in length.Word salad, find me the radius of an electron, protip: You will never do it.