I personally feel that mathematics is flawed compared to CS.
Math atomic building block was “1”, it was literally created by some caveman 40,000 years ago to count bananas. The quantum world discovered now confirmed this is irrelevant outside of our obongo needs (building an airplane is still caveman).
The questions are random (what if there are infinitely many twin primes…), the building blocks are random (Sigma, PI, delta), with no logic or rigor and yet soibois worship MATH without any question.
CS, on the other hand has a more rigorous method and potential to replace this pseudointellectual garbage with an apparatus that can actually explain the physical world (even if machines will have to dumb down the abstractions for us).
Math atomic building block was “1”, it was literally created by some caveman 40,000 years ago to count bananas. The quantum world discovered now confirmed this is irrelevant outside of our obongo needs (building an airplane is still caveman).
The questions are random (what if there are infinitely many twin primes…), the building blocks are random (Sigma, PI, delta), with no logic or rigor and yet soibois worship MATH without any question.
CS, on the other hand has a more rigorous method and potential to replace this pseudointellectual garbage with an apparatus that can actually explain the physical world (even if machines will have to dumb down the abstractions for us).