>30 year old male with asthma
>99.95% chance of surviving covid
1. Let’s pretend the vaccine is safe and that there is 0.0% of any side effects. Why should I take an hour out of my life for a vaccine which I clearly won’t need given my age and health.
2. Please explain to me why the vaccine has a ZERO percent chance of killing me, and explain to me why the vaccine has a ZERO percent chance of giving me any long term side effects.
>99.95% chance of surviving covid
1. Let’s pretend the vaccine is safe and that there is 0.0% of any side effects. Why should I take an hour out of my life for a vaccine which I clearly won’t need given my age and health.
2. Please explain to me why the vaccine has a ZERO percent chance of killing me, and explain to me why the vaccine has a ZERO percent chance of giving me any long term side effects.