>>13674381Basically he's an idiot. When you ingest something you can make yourself, you have to take it apart, only to reassemble it later.
This is part of the reason why vegetarian diets are superior. Less entropy is generated. Less entropy, higher efficiency.
This is also probably why vitamins have been shown to be a scam. All supplements are all scams. They are all "convenient". But for the body, they are not convenient. They are dangerous chemicals which require toxic waste handling.
The least entropic physiology is one with efficient synthesis capability. This endogenous assembly of amino acids are regulated by efficient pathways. Bolting onto that a secondary pathway that burns energy to break down exogenous amino acids, and excrete surplus deaminated metabolic products requires energy and sacrificed materials manifest in cellular turnover in critical organ systems like Kidneys. We evolved to have to eat pretty dense, shitty foods which might be rotten or infested with mold or just plain tough, so naturally we have two kidneys but that doesn't mean you can't overload them.
By limiting dietary protein (0.9-1.6g/kg bodyweight long ago found to be ideal) you make endogenous synthesis and liposomal storage and recycling pathways more efficient to hold onto the essential amino acids; dumping excess into the system deprecates those pathways.