>>13669007Around 93% of DNA of all humans is identical to other primates, the remaining 7% of DNA - Homo specific Genes is what makes us humans (different from the other primates).
Here is the division of this 7% homo specific genes in Europeans and African people.
In Europeans - 4% neanderthal genome, 1% sapien gene, 2% other eurasian hominid (erectus, denisova) genome.
In Africans - 4% sapien genome, 2% African erectus genes, 1% archaic "ghost" gene (not present in any other people)
Homo Georgicus is the oldest hominid discovered outside Africa, and earliest specimen of proto-Erectus (1,850,000 years ago). Found in the Caucasus, it would be the ancestor of both Homo Antecessor (800,000 years ago, found in Spain) and Neanderthals/Denisovans.
Both Neanderthals and Denisovas had 15% of the Eurasian Erectus Antecessor / Georgicus genome in their DNA, and Europeans have a Neanderthal Genome...that's where we come from. Not from Africa. We are natives of Eurasia.